Class Recital

Organ students of Ken Cowan

Organ Class

Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall at Alice Pratt Brown Hall


Olivier Messiaen: La Nativité du Seigneur (1935) - The Nativity of our Lord

I. La Vierge et l'Enfant - The Virgin and the Child
II. Les Bergers - The Shepherds
Valentina Qishan Huang

III. Desseins éternels - Eternal Purposes
André Lombardi

IV. Le Verbe - The Word
V. Les Enfants de Dieu - The Children of God
Grant Smith

VI. Les Anges - The Angels
VII. Jésus accepte la souffrance - Jesus Accepts Suffering
Emily Amos

VIII. Les Mages - The Wise Men
IX. Dieu parmi nous - God Among Us|
Marshall Joos


Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall at Alice Pratt Brown Hall