Doctoral Recital

Paul Mortilla, Composer

Paul Mortilla headshot

Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall at Alice Pratt Brown Hall

This recital is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts. Paul Mortilla is a student of Arthur Gottschalk.

Free, general admission


Performers: Molly Wise, Tian Qin, Paul Mortilla, Benjamin Rodriguez, Jake Berran, Emma Webb, Ayesha Adamo

Procession: Entering of the Animals 

Reading I 

Living Sound I 

First Trial 

Reading II 

Thunder, Perfect Mind I (English Translation by April D. DeConick) 

Second Trial 

Reading III 

Third Trial 

Violin Improvisation 

Reading IV 

Thunder, Perfect Mind II (English Translation by April D. DeConick) 

Organ Response 

Quartet: Living Sound II 

Fourth Trial 

Presentation of the Tones


Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall at Alice Pratt Brown Hall