Rice Electroacoustic Music Labs (REMLABS) presents an evening of Adventurous Electric Guitar. This performance is a prelude to the Summit for Adventurous Electric Guitar in the Gulf South. Performances by Jeff Snyder (Princeton), Kevin Patton (George Washington University), Chapman Welch (Rice), Christopher Trapani (Louisiana State University), Kelly Doyle and Ryan Edwards.
Free, general admission
through the fractured wake of that long forgotten pipedream
Xingyi Betty Chen, composer
Haoyang Aisling Ma, electric guitar
Untitled Improvisation
Ryan Edwards, electric guitar
Secret Society
Chapman Welch, electric guitar and live electronics
The Way is Blocked
Kevin Patton, acoustic guitar and live electronics
Untitled Improvisation
Kelly Doyle, electric guitar
Untitled Improvisation
Christopher Trapani, lap steel
Untitled Improvisation
Jeff Snyder, Electrosteel