Anne Schnoebelen

Anne Schnoebelen is the Mullen Professor Emerita of Musicology at the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University. Schnoebelen received a bachelor of arts degree from Rosary College, a master of music in piano and a Ph.D. in musicology from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. She joined the Shepherd School faculty in 1974 as one of the original faculty members. She has served as chair of the musicology department, director of graduate studies, and acting dean of the Shepherd School. Her research interests include Italian Baroque sacred music, Italian secular cantatas, Bolognese music of the 17th and 18th centuries, Bach, Beethoven, and performance practices.

Schnoebelen has received a fellowship from the American Association of University Women, Fulbright Full and Travel Grants, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends, American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grants, and Rice University Research and Publication Grants. Her articles and reviews have been published in Acta Musicologica, The Musical Quarterly, Music and Letters, Music Library Association Notes, Journal of Musicological Research, and Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music (an on-line journal).

She taught a Baroque survey, and graduate seminars in Monteverdi, Bach, Beethoven, and performance practices. She is general editor of the series: Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music (25 volumes, Garland Publishing). She served as Interim Dean of the Shepherd School of Music from January 2002 through July 2003.


  • "Substitute Versetti in the Masses of Giacomo Antonio Perti"

    American Musicological Society National Convention, Washington, D.C., November 5, 1976.

  • "Stylistic Development in Italian Mass Settings, 1610-1650"

    International Conference on Baroque Music, University of Durham, Durham, UK, July 13-16, 1984.

  • "A Bibliophilic Friendship: The Martini-Chiti Correspondence, 1745-1759"

    American Musicological Soaciety National Convention, Philadelphia, PA, October 15-19, 1984.

  • "The Role of the Violin in the Resurgence of the Mass in 17th-Century Italy"

    Boston Early Music Conference, Boston, MA, June 10, 1987.

  • "A Bibliography of Printed Italian Music for the Mass"

    International Conference per una bibliografia sistematica della musica sacre dei secoli XVI e XVII, University of Venice, Venice, Italy, July 13, 1988.

  • "Padre Martini's Collection of Letters: A Mirror of 18th-Century Italian Music and Culture"

    American Society for 18th-Century Studies Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. Oct. 8, 1988.

  • "Melpomene coronata da Felsina, a Bolognese cantata anthology from 1675: the Muse and the Academy"

    International Conference on Baroque Music, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Egham, England, July 17-20, 1990.

  • "Of Bologna and the Austrian Empire: Connections and Reflections"

    International Conference, Austria 996-1996: Music in a Changing Society, Ottawa, CA, January 4-7, 1996.

  • "The Musician as Scholar, or What Goes On Before the Band Begins to Play"

    Hammond Lecture for the Shepherd Society, Rice University, Houston TX, October 13, 1996.

  • "The Musician as Scholar, or What Goes On Before the Band Begins to Play"

    University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, February 17, 1998.

  • "Printed Italian Masses Available to North Italian cappelle musicali in the 17th Century"

    International Conference "La musica sacra in area lombardo-padana in eta` barocca", Brescia and Como, Italy, July 13-18, 1999.

  • "Melpomene Coronata da Felsina: A Bolognese Cantata Anthology from 1685"

    Society for Seventeenth-Century Music Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY April 23-26, 2009.


  • Computer Archive for Sacred Music Sources

    (database under development for the cataloging of all extant sources of sacred music printed in Italy 1500-1700). Musical settings of the mass in the Baroque. The Bolognese cantata of the 17th century. Performance practices in the Baroque

Book Reviews

  • "Stampe musicali italiane alla cattedrale di Malta: Storia e catalogo della collezione (ACM, mus. Pr. 1-159). By Franco Bruni. San Gwann, Malta: Publishers Enterprises Group (distributed by Lucca: LIM Editrice), 1999. 199 pp." "Musica e musicisti alla cattedrale di Malta nei secoli XVI-XVIII. By Franco Bruni. San Gwann, Malta: Malta University Press, 2001. 340 pp." In Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music [online journal], Vol. 7, No. 1, (2001).
  • "Giovanni Rovetta: Messa, e salmi concertati, op. 4 (1639). Edited by Linda Maria Koldau. Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era 109-110. 2 vols., 6 instrumental parts. Middleton, Wisc.:A-R Editions, 2001. In Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music [on-line journal], v. 11, no. 1. (2005).
  • The Cappella Musicale of San Petronio in Bologna under Giovanni Paolo Colonna (1674-95): History, Organization, Repertoire./ By Marc Vanscheeuwijck. Etudes d'Histoire de l'Art 8. Brussels: Brepols, 2003. 422 pp. In Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music [online journal]. Vol. 12 (2006) No. 1.


  • Alessandro Grandi:  Opera Omnia, "Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae," 112-2, Il secondo libro di  motetti a due, tre, e quattro voci con il basso continuo per sonar nell'organo (1613), ed. Steven Saunders and Anne Schnoebelen (American Institute of Musicology, 2019).
  • "Printed Italian Masses Available to North Italian cappelle musicali in the 17th Century", La musica sacra in area lombardo-padano in etá barocco. In series Contributi musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell'A.M.I.S. Como. Vol. 13 (2002), 15-25.
  • "Performance Practices at San Petronio in the Baroque", Acta Musicologica, Vol. XLI, i-ii (June, 1969), pp. 37-55.
  • "Cazzati vs. Bologna", The Musical Quarterly, Vol. LVII, no. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 26-39.
  • Edition of Giovanni Paolo Colonna, Messa a nove voci concertata con stromenti. In Recent Researches in Music of the Baroque Era, Vol. XVII. Madison: A-R Editions, 1975.
  • "The Growth of Padre Martini's Library as Reflected in his Correspondence", Music and Letters, Vol. LVII, no. 4 (Oct. 1977), pp. 379-397.
  • 34 articles on Bolognese composers and music publishers in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London, Macmillan Press, 1980, as well as revisions in the forthcoming New Grove II edition.
  • Padre Martini's Collection of Letters in the Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale. An Annotated Index. New York, Pendragon Press, 1979.
  • Editions of Cantatas by Maurizio Cazzati c. 1620-1677. Selected and Introduced by Anne Schnoebelen. In The Italian Cantata in the Seventeenth Century, Vol., VIII. New York, Garland Publishing, 1985.
  • Edition of Solo Motets from the Seventeenth Century. Selected and Introduced by Anne Schnoebelen. 10 volumes. New York, Garland Publishing, 1987-1989. Volume 1: Venice; Vol. 2: Northern Italy I; Vol. 3: Northern Italy II; Vol. 4: Novara I; Vol. 5: Novara II; Vol. 6: Bologna I; Vol. 7: Bologna II; Vol. 8: Rome I; Vol. 9: Rome II; Vol. 10: Rome III.
  • "The Role of the Violin in the Resurgence of the Mass in the 17th Century", Early Music, Vol. 18, No. 4, (November, 1990, pp. 537-544.
  • "Bologna, 1580-1700", chapter in Music and Society, Vol. 3, The Early Baroque, London, Macmillan, 1993.
  • Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music: 10 volumes, New York and London, Garland Publishing 1995-1999:

    Volume 1: Masses by Gasparo Villani, Alessandro Grandi, Pietro Lappi, Bentivoglio Leva`.

    Volume 2: Masses by Giovanni Francesco Capello, Amadio Freddi, Ercole Porta, Ignazio Donati.

    Volume 3: Masses by Carlo Milanuzzi, Leandro Gallerano, Alessandro Grandi.

    Volume 4: Masses by Alessandro Grandi, Giovanni Battista Chinelli, Tarquinio Merula, Giovanni Antonio Rigatti.

    Volume 5: Masses by Giovanni Rovetta, Ortensio Polidori, Giovanni Battista Chinelli, Orazio Tarditi.

    Volume 6: Masses by Giovanni Pietro Finatti, Maurizio Cazzati, Giulio Cesare Arresti.

    Volume 7: Masses by Maurizio Cazzati, Carlo Grossi, Giovanni Legrenzi

    Volume 8: Masses by Giovanni Andrea Florimi, Giovanni Francesco Mognossa, and Bonifazio Graziani

    Volume 9: Masses by Domenico Scorpione, Lorenzo Penna, Giovanni Paolo Colonna

    Volume 10: Masses by Pietro Degli Antoni and Giovanni Battista Bassani

  • "Le messe bolognesi di Carlo Donato Cossoni" in Carlo Donato Cossoni nella Milano spagnola, edited by Davide Daolmi. Lucca, LIM 2007, pp. 211-243.
  • "New Trends in Masses by Three Paduan Composers from the Early 17th Century" in Barocco padano e musici francescani, edited by Alberto Colzani, Andrea Luppi and Maurizio Padoan (Padova: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2014), 99-108
  • Anne Schnoebelen and Jeffrey Kurtzman, A Catalogue of Mass, Office and Holy Week Music Printed in Italy: 1516-1770. Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music Instrumenta, 2 (2014)


  • Anne Schnoebelen.  "Mass."  Oxford Bibliographies in Music. Ed. Bruce Gustafson.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 10-25-2018.


More Information

Anne Schnoebelen , Mullen Professor Emerita of Musicology
B.A. Rosary College 1958; M.Mus. (Piano) University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana 1961; Ph.D. (Musicology) University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana 1966