Guest Artist Master Class

Augustin Hadelich, Violin

Augustin Hadelich

Tudor Patrons’ Lounge at Brockman Hall for Opera

Talented Shepherd School students perform short musical excerpts and receive coaching from a distinguished guest in front of a live audience. 


Program information coming soon


Augustin Hadelich

Augustin Hadelich is one of the great violinists of our time. Known for his phenomenal technique, insightful and persuasive interpretations and ravishing tone, he tours extensively around the world. He has performed with all the major American orchestras as well as the Berliner Philharmoniker, Concertgebouworkest, Orchestre National de France, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, NHK Symphony Orchestra Tokyo, and many others.


Tudor Patrons’ Lounge at Brockman Hall for Opera