Required Musicology and Music Theory Courses
- MUSI 716 Music of the Middle ages or MUSI 717 Renaissance Music
- MUSI 512 Analytical Systems (or designated alternate)
- MUSI 647 Master's Thesis† - 2 semesters
- Seven (7) Advanced Musicology Courses/Seminars - 21 semester hours
(Some faculty approved music theory courses may apply towards this requirement.)
†Master’s Thesis must be publicly defended.
Other Requirements
- Electives* - 15 semester hours
- Performance**- 2 semesters
*Graduate level elective courses
- MAY INCLUDE: additional musicology courses; music theory courses; foreign language; classes in conducting or score reading, Collegium, and performance lessons.
- MAY NOT INCLUDE: remedial courses; extra hours of required courses; undergraduate music theory and music history courses; more than 3 hours Independent Studies; any course taken for pass/fail credit.
- The performance requirement may be satisfied by any combination of private instrumental or vocal study, classes in conducting or score reading, ensembles such as Rice Chorale or Campanile Orchestra, or Collegium.
- Piano Proficiency
- Aural Skills Proficiency
- German Language Proficiency***
***German Language Proficiency
- Met by one of the following: 4 years high school German; 2 years college German; German 141-142 at Rice [or an equivalent accelerated course]; passing a proficiency exam (300 words, 3 hours, with dictionary)
NOTE: Students are responsible for making certain that their plan of study meets all degree and major requirements. Please review the following link for additional information regarding University Requirements:
A minimum of 50 semester hours must be successfully completed to earn this degree.
This degree plan was updated August 2023 and is intended for the 2023-24 academic year.