Can music carry messages other than abstract musical notes? How do artists express their political views in their works? This kind of expression is common in the popular and folk arts as well as in the classical contemporary music, both East and West. This semester, in addition to our usual introduction to Asian culture, we will also look at a few Asian American artists and scholars to see how they integrate their life experiences and personal beliefs in their works.
A wide range of the speakers will be invited (via Zoom): Chinary Ung (composer), Monique Truong (writer), Sixto Wagan (Director, Center for Art and Social Engagement at University of Houston), Stephanie Todd Wong (Program Director, Asia Society), Eiki Isomura (Artistic Director, Opera in the Heights), Kenya Gillespie (composer/film maker), Ping Chong (director, choreographer, video and installation artist), Barbara Mittler (sinologist, Director for the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context), and Anne Chao (Director, Houston Asian American Archive). The class will end with students' final projects as a class presentation or a performance (possibly at the Texas Asia Society).