In addition to your project description, the application asks you to provide names of students who will participate in your project, the name of your faculty sponsor, and a detailed budget for your project. A link for making your application will be provided during each funding cycle, no later than October 10 each year.
- Name, Address, Phone, E-mail
- Please write a brief summary of your project and indicate what you hope to accomplish through it.
- What is the proposed instrumentation, and personnel involved in the project? REMINDER: All participants must be current Shepherd School students.
- Please provide a project timeline and anticipated date of completion (all projects must be completed by the last day of the term).
- Will you require any special equipment to accomplish this project? If so, please explain how you intend to use the equipment.
- List the name, address, and contact information of the organization sponsor (phone number and e-mail address) for the venue(s) where you intend to present your project.
- Who is your Shepherd School faculty sponsor for this project?
- A detailed budget for your outreach project expenses -- i.e. local transportation costs, materials, special equipment, meal per diems (when appropriate), and any additional expenses. You will need to research costs and provide accurate quotes to substantiate your budget requests.
Thank you for submitting your grant application to The Sviatoslav Richter Fund for Music Outreach. If your project is selected, you will be informed of its approval before the end of Fall Semester.